PBL Grading

First Grade

Category Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 0 0 Mediocre Explanation, no specification
Data Abstraction 1 1 Creates a list to show data abstraction
Managing Complexity 0 0 Low complexity
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 Develops procedure and functionality is described
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 Describes so that it can be recreated.
Testing 1 1 Calls procedures and describes conditions
Total 4/6 4/6 ->


1) Mediocre Explanation, no specification 2) Creates a list to show data abstraction 3) Low complexity
4) Develops procedure and functionality is described 5) Describes so that it can be recreated. 6) Calls procedures and describes conditions

Second Grade

Category Score CB Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 shows the program in depth
Data Abstraction 1 1 distinct code is identified and shows repsonses
Managing Complexity 1 1 explains nessacary code and abstraction needed for complexity
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 describes functionality
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 sequencing and selection
Testing 1 1 states multiple parameters
Total 6/6 6/6 ->


1) shows the program in depth 2) distinct code is identified and shows repsonses 3) explains nessacary code and abstraction needed for complexity 4) describes functionality 5) sequencing and selection 6) states multiple parameters