5.1 and 5.2 Reflection

1) Come up with three of your own Beneficial and corresponding Harmful Effects of Computing


Increased efficiency and organization through the use of task management tools, such as to-do lists and calendar apps, can help individuals and teams prioritize and complete tasks more effectively.

Collaboration tools, such as shared document platforms and project management software, can facilitate communication and coordination among team members, leading to more effective teamwork and productivity.

Time-tracking and productivity tracking tools can help individuals and teams monitor their performance and identify areas for improvement, ultimately leading to increased productivity and goal attainment.


One bad thing about using tools to help you be more productive is that it can make you feel like you always have to be working, even when you’re not at the office, and that can be really tiring and can make it hard for you to have a good balance between your work and personal life.

What are pros/cons on internet blockers at router and lack of admin password on lab machines at school?

Pros of internet blockers at router:

Can prevent students from accessing distracting websites during class time Can help to reduce the risk of cyberbullying and online harassment Can increase productivity by reducing distractions and keeping students focused on classwork

Cons of internet blockers at router:

Can limit access to educational websites and resources that may be necessary for classwork and research Can infringe on students’ freedom of information and right to access the internet Can be bypassed by tech-savvy students using VPNs or proxy servers

Pros of lack of admin password on lab machines at school:

Can simplify IT management and maintenance tasks by allowing staff to easily access and update the machines Can prevent students from installing unauthorized software or making changes to the settings Can increase security by preventing students from accessing sensitive information or networks

Cons of lack of admin password on lab machines at school:

Can limit students’ ability to customize their work environment and preferences Can prevent students from installing necessary software or tools for classwork and projects Can leave the machines vulnerable to malware or other security threats if updates are not applied regularly by the staff.

What concerns do you have personally about the digital divide?

Me personally, I don’t have any concerns about the digital divide, because it doesnt really affect me day to day.