Data Structures including List, Dictionaries, 2D arrays and Iteration (Big Idea 3)

1) List Simulation: Create a program that simulates a grocery list. The program should allow users to add items to the list, remove items from the list, and display the current list. This will help students understand how lists work in Python and how to manipulate them using built-in functions.

2) Dictionary Simulation: Create a program that simulates a phone book. The program should allow users to add new contacts, search for existing contacts, and update contact information. This will help students understand how dictionaries work in Python and how to use them to store key-value pairs.

3) 2D Array Simulation: Create a program that simulates a game board. The program should allow users to set up the game board with various pieces and move those pieces around the board. This will help students understand how 2D arrays work in Python and how to access and manipulate individual elements.

4) Iteration Simulation: Create a program that simulates a race between two characters. The program should use iteration to simulate the movement of the characters across a race track. This will help students understand how iteration works in Python and how to use loops to repeat a sequence of code.

These simulations can be designed as interactive and engaging, which can help students learn the concepts more effectively. Additionally, these simulations can be expanded and modified to include more advanced topics as well.