def check_guess(guess, answer):
    global score
    still_g = True
    a = 0
    while still_g and a < 3:
        if guess.lower() == answer.lower():
            print("Correct Answer")
            score = score + 1
            still_g = False
            if a < 2:
                guess = input("Sorry Wrong Answer, try again")
            a = a + 1
    if a == 3:
        print("The Correct answer is ",answer )

score = 0
print("Greek Mythology Questions")
guess1 = input("Who is the lord of the gods? ")
check_guess(guess1, "Zeus")
guess2 = input("Which creature in Greek Mythology was half-man and half-bull?  ")
check_guess(guess2, "Minotaur")
guess3 = input("What did Jason and the Argonauts steal from the land of Colchis? ")
check_guess(guess3, "Golden Fleece")
print("Your Score is "+ str(score) + "/3")
Greek Mythology Questions
Correct Answer
Correct Answer
Correct Answer
Your Score is 3/3