Old Spice Slogan

Old Spice Advertising Firm Partners: Amay Advani, Felipe Martinez

The Old Spice Advertising Firm, has developed an appropriate new slogan for Old Spice

Stay Fresh

We developed our slogan “Stay Fresh” through brainstorming appropriate and new ideas that will be best fitting, and gender neutral. Our new slogan is consistent and is memorable, while using short, attractive words to describe our clients’ product. Our slogan is authentic by being honest when using our slogan. Our targeted audience are teens and young adults, so by advertising our product to people who need it, it keeps the product and slogan relevant. Along with all of that, our slogan also hits our targeted audience. Our product is mostly for teenagers, and for young adults, our product is marketed for the group because deodorant, hair products, and body products, is for every growing man.

We decided to start with stay in our slogan because it induces confidence in the consumer because it states that the viewer is already fresh, due to the infinitive present participle tense of the word stay. Secondly, the word fresh is a short and sweet descriptive word that keeps our product authentic and honest. Together, the words stay and fresh are short, memorable, and stays true to our clients product and business.

Our Canva Poster uses red throughout and images from the Old Spice company to stay consistent using their logos and colors. In addition, it includes products and the link to their website.